Archos 101b Platinum


Archos 101b Platinum
Archos 101b Platinum (Platinum Series)
Graphics adapter
10.10 inch 16:10, 1280 x 800 pixel, glossy: yes
565 g ( = 19.93 oz / 1.25 pounds) ( = 0 oz / 0 pounds)
200 Euro


Average Score: 73% – average
Average of 1 scores (from 1 reviews)

Reviews for the Archos 101b Platinum

73%Archos 101b Platinum
Source: Stiftung Warentest – Heft 7/2015 German
Single Review, , Length Unknown, Date: 06/01/2015
Rating: Total score: 73%


PowerVR SGX544MP2: OpenGL ES 2.0 compatible with 8 pixel and 4 vertex shaders

These graphics cards are not suited for Windows 3D games. Office and Internet surfing however is possible.

» Further information can be found in our Comparison of Mobile Graphics Cards and the corresponding Benchmark List.

unknown: » Further information can be found in our Comparison of Mobile Processsors.


This is a typical display size for tablets and small convertibles.

Large display-sizes allow higher resolutions. So, details like letters are bigger. On the other hand, the power consumption is lower with small screen diagonals and the devices are smaller, more lightweight and cheaper.

» To find out how fine a display is, see our DPI List.

0.565 kg:

This weight is typical for small tablets.

Archos: The French manufacturer Archos S.A. was founded in 1988. While they initially produced products such as MP3 players, they have started producing laptops, smartphones, and tablets in 2009.


The world market shares are small, but there are many reviews on Archos smartphones and tablets. While the ratings were below average in the early years, they have become better by 2016.

73%: This rating is bad. Most notebooks are better rated. This is not a recommendation for purchase.

» Further information can be found in our Notebook Purchase Guide.


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