The day dawned bright and sunny at the farm or Mr. Martin Muema in the outskirts of Kitui town, had arrived in the morning from Nairobi where he worked as an accountant. The happenings of day still linger painfully in my mind even after a duration of five years. However, I thank God to be Alive to tell the story for where there is a will there is a way. This is what happened.
I had worked for Mr. Muema for twelve years as a farmhand together with others. In total we w eight in number. Our jobs ranged from looking after his grade cattle, weeding his maize plantation; harvesting what was ready. We worked as a team and we were very committed. We all resided in farm. One day Mr. Muema came home and gathered all of us. He announced to us something I later changed my life. “Oti, I’m putting you in charge of all my property. You will look after all the worth and make sure everyone puts in the required hours every day. This is because I’ve been promote head my company and as such I must devote my quality time to my new position at the company.” said, his eyes watching over all of us, settling finally on mine. My eyes heard more than my eai could not believe what was happening. I knew I had been a good worker, committed, trusted and I was the apple of Mr. Muema’s eyes, but I never expected 1 could be put in charge of not only the oi workers but the whole farm. It sounded too good to be true. I realized that really luck knocks only o at everyone’s door. It had knocked on mine.
The following day Mr. Muema returned to Nairobi after promoting me. I felt and swore never t( him down come rain come sunshine. When the clock stuck eight I paraded all the workers and g them responsibilities. Of importance was Mr. Kioko my best friend whom I had put in charge of grade cattle. After this exercise I dismissed them to go and start working. While they worked I v\ back to my house, where I stayed only coming out to check on the workers at random intervals.’ went on for quite sometime. I had foolishly taken my new position for granted and forgotten the leader must be a servant to lead. My wife was hardly amused with my behavior. In the evenings I could go to the local centre to drink the local brew nicknamed “Kuona mbee”. I would go home late at first then later began arriving home in the wee hours of the morning. Whenever this happened, I was unable to supervise the workers in the farm. They started failing back in their responsibilities because when the cat is away the mice must play. This I had forgotten.
“I don’t think I like what you are doing. I know you are now our boss but such responsibilities go with self discipline. You have no time for us and we no longer see you at the farm. We are like a flock without a shepherd.” lamented Mr. Kioko my friend. I looked at Mr. Kioko and I thought he was out of his mind In a loud voice I told him off and accused him of being jealous of me. It was my wife who pleaded with me albeit it all fell on deaf ears. I had become too poor to listen to anybody. I thought I knew it all. What I failed to remember was that pride comes before a fall. The same evening as usual I was at my usual joint’. After only consuming two glasses of “kuona mbee” I felt funny.’l started sweating profusely and vomiting. I got up and staggered back to the farm which was only a stone’s throw away. When I got home, I felt so sick that my wife rushed me to the local clinic where the medical officer pronounced me blind that was the pronouncement that broke the camel’s back.
Mr. Muema arrived one morning from Nairobi and sacked me. I kept writhing in pain hopeful that one day I would be able to see but now I know and believe that experience is the best teacher. From this experience. I learnt that it is indeed true that “Pride comes before a fall”
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