Born from a family of renowned wrestlers, Randy was on a mission to make a name for himself in the World wrestling Entertainment. [1] Randy also referred to as “The Viper” is one of the best wrestlers to grace the ring. Randy at a young age decided he wanted to follow his family’s footsteps but become the best. The father Bob Orton is one WWE Hall of Famer. The father was not the only one, but also had his uncle Barry Orton who was known as Barry O and his grandfather Bob Orton Sr., with stage name “The Big O”.  He was raised with the wrestling’s great as his family members and his father’s friends from the WWE.

[2]The Viper was born in April 1980 in America. He is a wrestler in the WWE and doubled up in acting. He was born in Tennessee and, his mother was Elaine. Randy’s parents did not want him to venture into any wrestling career. They knew it is always time-consuming and kept one away from the family for long. The Viper was determined to join wrestling from a little age when he saw his father’s fight with Mr. Wonderful in Wrestle Mania’s major event. This was something he knew and wanted to pursue. He joined wrestling while in high school at Hazewood Central. After finishing high school, he Joined Marine Corps in America where he was discharged reason being bad behavior.  He had previously been punished for not adhering to an order by the officer in charge. It was at this point, Orton decided to go into wrestling.

Orton at 20 years of age, began training and wrestled in St. Louis which was in his home area where also refereed. Orton determined to earn a living in wrestling; he registered with the then Federation for World Wrestling. The federation had a program in Ohio Valley where Orton started his professional wrestling career in 2002. It was at this time that Orton started getting promotional gigs and, a few televised matches. The Wrestling Company Wrestlemania X 8 later changed its name to WWE and, Orton was quick to bring his name forward.

[3] As soon as Orton entered WWE, everyone he was going to be a great star. Randy was taken by Triple H and, Rick Flair under their wings. They tutored him to be the one of the best in the WWE that he was meant to be. Randy did not allow his father’s greatness keep him from chasing his dreams. He wanted to be the best and, he won the World Heavyweight Champion at 24. This made him to be the youngest World Heavyweight Champion in history.

From being the champion, he did give a chance to the championship to cloud his mind as he kept on going and proving to be the person to beat. Orton continued to progress in his career even winning two Royal Rumble Championships. In Royal Rumbles Randy was referred to as a team player by his peers in the WWE. After the rumble, Orton returned to his old ways of walking alone in the WWE jungle. This was when he named “apex predator” and, “The Viper”. Apartt from wrestling, Randy was also featuring in movies. He was not able to be featured in The Marine movie which is produced by WWE because of his connection with the United States Marine Corps.

Even if Orton was from a very famous wrestling background and, one would have thought WWE would be a walk in the park for him. This was not an issue for him since he had to work for his spot. He was thrown out of the ring by Rey Mysterio in the 2006 Royal Rumble thereby eliminating him.

Randy was angered by this as because of Mysterio’s small stature. He felt that Mysterio disrespected him in the Rumble. This made him ask for a match against Mysterio which he lost after talking negatively about Eddie Guerrero a friend to Mysterio. His comments about Eddie made him receive a backlash from the WWE world. To WWE fans thought that the comment was too soon after Eddie’s demise. It was during this time in his wrestling career that he came up with the RKO. RKO was randy’s style that he used and, led to him winning many fights. This style involved timing an opponent and, grabbing him from the neck and dropping him down

Orton made his debut in film in 2011 featuring in movies like That’s what I am in 2011, 12Rounds 2: Reloaded, The Condemned 2, Countdown as a supporting act in the series Shooter.

The Viper is still the arguably one of the best wrestlers that WWE offered to the world. Randy was adored by children and, adults across the world. He was a superhero to many kids. Many kids imitated him after they saw his fights. This is a great wrestler who will forever be echoed in every WWE’S fans mind.




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