I am going to show you how to fill the Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development (TPAD). TPAD is a system that allows both primary school teachers and secondary school teachers to take part in the evaluation of their individual performance in order to enhance their professional development as teachers.


  1. First you need to log in to your TPAD account.
  2. Once you get in to your account, Highlight the labelled option “online services’ and below it select “Teacher Appraisal (TPAD)” .That is how you get to the TPAD page.
  3. Click on “login” at the top corner on the right side of your mobile phone or computer.
  4. We are looking for a teacher and so tap on the first option which is “Teacher/Deputy”. Afterwards, insert your details and click “login”.
  5. After a successful login, highlight the option “Self Appraisals” located at the top left corner of your device and select “Self Assessment” option.
  6. You are required to write a new appraisal for each term on the next page that you are directed to and I will guide you on how to do it. Click on “Create New Appraisal” and then insert the year, term and eligibility (on duty).
  7. After you are done, click on “save appraisal” at the bottom located on a blue icon and patiently wait as your new appraisal is being saved.
  8. After a successful save, scroll down and click on “Proceed to Appraisal”.
  9. You will be taken to a new page where three options are displayed.

Teaching Standards.

Learners Progress.

Lesson Attendance.

  1. Begin by tapping on the option “Update standard” on the “teaching standards”.
  1. Click on “Choose standard” and select your standard from the choices given under the box and thereafter click on “Proceed to standards”.
  2. There are 5 standards and we are going to feed data in all of them. Let us start with the first option where we are going to click on “New rating”.
  3. You will be directed to a new page and on this new page, click on “add weight” for the first option.
  4. Enter your weight rating between o.1 and 3 and then add a gap category on the second box. After you are done, click on “submit rating” and wait patiently. Once a target is added, you have successfully set a rating for the first target. Follow the same procedure for the remaining four targets.
  5. Once you are done, click on”Next Standard” so that you are taken to the original page and continue with the next one.
  6. For the next one and the rest of them, follow the exact same procedures above and a page will be displayed showing that you have successfully completed.
  7. Once you are done, you can click “Back to appraisal” and you will be taken to the original page.

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