Facebook is a social platform used globally by many users to interact, socialize, market goods and services and even post videos. There are a ton of things you can post on Facebook.

I have mentioned just but a few because the things you can post on Facebook are endless but there comes a time where a Facebook user wants to delete their Facebook account completely due to their own understandable reasons.

If you would like to delete your Facebook account permanently, then read the article below as I am going to show you exactly how to delete a Facebook account on pc, iPhone, androidand even laptop.


  1. The first thing you need to do is to actually go up on the quick help icon on Facebook whose symbol is a question mark
  2. After you have clicked it, type in “permanently” and what you will get is “how do I permanently delete my Facebook account?”
  3. Tap on the option and Facebook will afterwards give you information of what happens when you permanently delete your account and what if you don’t want to permanently delete it but just take a break. So if you want to temporarily deactivate your account, there is a link provided where you will click it to temporarily deactivate your Facebook account.
  4. Now when you scroll down to “how do I permanently delete my account, they also provide you with a link to download a copy of all your information. This is very important because it gives you all your posts, all your videos. In short, everything you have ever uploaded on Facebook.
  5. There are instructions provided on how you can permanently delete your Facebook account which is;
  6. Click on the triangle at the top right of any Facebook page.
  7. Go to settings.
  8. Go to the left hand side where it says “your Facebook information”.
  9. Afterwards you can download your information if you want to and at the bottom you can select the “Delete your account and information” option.
  10. If you click on that, you are given several options but if you want to just delete it click on “delete account. The options include:
    1. Deactivate account.
    1. Download info.
    1. Edit Admin Settings.
    1. Manage apps.
  1. Insert your Facebook password and click on continue. You will be provided with an information that will tell you that you have 30 days to cancel the deletion of your account.
  2. After 30 days all the information and your account will be permanently deleted and you won’t be able to retrieve your information. Everything will be taken off.
  3. So there you go, that’s how you permanently delete your Facebook account.

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